Value-projects Kick-off!
As an integral part of The VALE Course, you will for the next 7 weeks be working on a group project in your Spirit Groups that will take your understanding of values in practice one step deeper. In the course so far, we have worked with value elicitation, alignment, and implementation on the personal level, but we have yet to cover elicitation, alignment, and implementation on the team and organisational level.
Those are the themes of the value-projects!
To put your leadership & teamwork skills to the test, by leveraging the knowledge and competencies you've gained thus far.
To deepen your understanding of values, applying them within the broader context of teams and organisations.
You will work in Spirit Groups, using the 7-week long Implementation Phase to work on your project. How you structure your work is completely up to you, but we recommend using this opportunity to put your newfound leadership tools to practice and to build on the team cohesion you’ve already established.
After 5 weeks, we will have a mandatory “75% complete” Webinar where you’ll be able to provide and receive peer-to-peer feedback from another Spirit Group.
Additionally, we will provide an optional online module on Virtual Team work that we have put up on Udemy. The topics and leadership lessons covered are aimed at being as concrete as possible, giving you useful tools and perspectives to implement straight away in the work you will be conducting in your Spirit Groups.
Concretely, your group will tackle a specific value-related problem statement.
The outcome will be a presentation during the Final Virtual Assembly on Sunday 10 DEC, where your group will pitch your solution before a jury and your VALE colleagues. The jury will look at the quality of your proposed solution relating to the problem statement as well as the quality of your presentation – so be creative, and show us the work you’ve done! Your team will have a maximum of five minutes for your presentation followed by some time for follow-up questions. You will not be allowed to go past the time limit.
What are The VALE Association’s values? Currently, there are none, but maybe there should be! Your task as a group is to come up with a framework and specific values that would fit the association. You should do the requisite background work, e.g. interviewing/surveying team members & alumni, conducting market research of similar associations, etc. The final output is a list of your proposed values for The VALE Association, as well a presentation on your process and justification of your list.
Examine the role of ethical values in leadership and decision-making processes. Develop a framework that integrates ethical considerations and values into decision-making at various organisational levels. You should do the requisite background work e.g. examine situations and levels through examples and simulations, and research existing examples of such policies/framework. The final output is a policy/framework that is usable, as well as a presentation on your process and justification of your policy/framework.
Present a hypothetical or real ethical dilemma faced by a non-profit organisation. Analyse the dilemma in the context of the organisation’s values and propose a course of action that aligns with these values. You should do the requisite background work e.g. pick an existing organisation as an example or create your own for the task. The final output is a presentation of the problem, context, and the proposed solution. This should include a presentation on your process and justification of your solution.
Analyse how shared values can influence team dynamics, collaboration, and performance. Develop strategies to cultivate shared values and foster a collaborative and high-performing team environment. You should do the requisite background work e.g. reflect on your own experience, research studies conducted, and take advantage of the learned theories. The final output is a strategy toolkit, as well as a presentation of your process and justification of your strategy toolkit.
VALUE CONFLICTS [Magnificent Wrecks]
Investigate a real-world scenario where there is a conflict of values within a non-profit organisation or a community. Analyse the differing values, the impact of the conflict, and propose resolution strategies. You should do the requisite background work e.g. decide on an example, investigate and analyse different sides and perspectives, and assess the different possible resolution strategies. The final output is a list of resolution strategies for the chosen non-profit organisation or community, as well as a presentation of your process and justification of your list.
VALUES IN ACTION [Basement Rats]
Select a non-profit organisation and analyse how its stated values are reflected in its actions, projects, and initiatives. Evaluate the alignment between professed values and actual practices, and suggest improvements if needed. You should do the requisite background work e.g. investigating and analysing the chosen non-profit organisation, assessing the practices, and possibly conducting interviews. The final output is an analysis of the non-profit organisation and a list of suggested improvements, as well as presentation of your process and justification of your analysis and list.
The Schedule
Here, you can check out the preliminary version of the schedule.
Service & Care 2023
Welcome to Service & Care!
The Four Cares & Services
In the schedule, we have allocated 40 minutes daily to tasks that have service at its heart. For that time, you will either individually or in your Spirit Group pay special respect to yourself, each other, or the surroundings that we work and learn within.
Here, you will find The Matrix for the Service & Care sessions allotted to your Spirit Group. Each Service & Care is described on this page and instructions are listed, but in essence, the tasks are what you make of them. If you keep in mind to serve yourself and others, the specific tasks you do can take many forms and your imagination can take it to many places.
Trainer & group ownership
It is you, the participants, that take ownership over these sessions. Based on the information here, you should be able to take initiative yourselves. Should you, however, need special permission or are in great need of guidance, a person to contact has been assigned. This is the person to contact for all Service & Care sessions of that day.
The aim is to create a space for yourself where you can focus or relax to foster your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing during the training. This is your time for yourself to focus on your personal needs. It is important that you do not use it to make considerations for others, but use it to create a “me-space” and build on the relationship with yourself. Focus on what is good for you. If you need to combine it with others’ company, it should be motivated by a decision that it’s right for you. The session can take a mindfulness direction, but can also be used to complete private tasks not related to the course. Kick-start the process: - What is my current state of mind? - What do I need right now to create balance and a surplus of mental energy?
Spirit Group
The aim is to take care of and improve the learning and free time environment to facilitate wellbeing, productivity, and stress-free conditions. It’s about taking ownership of our location and making it “our” space. Your Spirit Group is assigned to enhance our physical environment to improve working and living conditions, create a better mental and creative space, and enhance the personal feel or group ownership of the venue rooms. The tasks can be practical: tidying, cleaning, washing, or they could focus on creating ambience and atmosphere. You should assess the current collective needs and choose accordingly. Kick-start the process: - What is the current state of the venue? - Within the venue rooms, what initiative can we take that will have an impact on a stress-free and tidy environment? Inspiration: - Clean up & take out trash - Tidying up in general - Organise used materials - Find better ways to sort, store and access materials and furniture - Create more inspiring surroundings: art work on walls, plants, candles - Look after the (most used) bathrooms - Tidying up the common and seating areas - Recycling initiatives - Make Kista’s kitchen sparkle! Since we are the ones cleaning before departing Saturday, we might as well make our jobs easier in advance.
Spirit Group with Sanni
All participants are asked to provide a testimonial of their experience at The VALE Course. The purpose is to create an anchor for our shared experience – and a chance to share our thoughts on the course with the world! Sanni is responsible for collecting testimonials and creating a digital library. In this designated Service & Care slot, Sanni may choose to be present or to instruct the groups beforehand.
Spirit Group / candidates
The aim of reporting is to create a shared log of learningful insights via a day-by-day account of the themes and happenings of the course. This has previously proven helpful and fun to participants and trainers alike. They have been able to use it in application of learned practices, review of theories, as helpful reminders for evaluations, reminiscence of good memories, and for project work in the aftermath of the course. You can work together as a group, divide segments between group members, or select candidates for the task. Write down an account of what has happened yesterday since the last Service & Care up until now. Highlight things that you think are important, useful, fun, or memorable. Aim to include more than your own perspective, but you don’t have to be objective. We say yes to good memories and humour as well as reflections and thoughts. Groups can add to previous reporting log texts if they had a different perspective on something or feel that events are missing. Some helpful questions: - What happened in yesterday's Service & Care? - What sessions did we have yesterday afternoon/evening? What were the key themes and learnings? Any learning activities that stand out or we particularly enjoyed? - What happened at dinner? How was the food? - Any highlights of evening activities? - "Regarding yesterday, I/we want to share feeling grateful for..." - How was the morning? What happened at breakfast? - Which sessions were held? What were the key topics and what did we learn? - What happened between sessions or at lunch? Are there things that we want to mention? - Any honourable mentions of funny moments that had the whole group laughing out loud? Did someone do something special?
The VALE Symposium
"It was just beyond amazing to see the YFU community (and even people outside of it!) together and to notice that there are so many passionate leaders for the future that can make our world even a better place. In a way, this webinar gave me hope in the dark situation we currently live in. So thank you for creating this space and offering the thought-provoking connections"
Participant The VALE Symposium 2022
The VALE Symposium 2023 is our opportunity to connect and network with youth leaders, volunteers, business professionals, and partners from various organisations to explore youth leadership ideas, problem solve together, network, share best practices, and feel inspired.
It will serve as a kick-off point for The VALE Course 2023, allowing us to gain valuable interactions with external actors before starting our learning journey together.
The key topics of The Symposium reflect the very core of The VALE: youth empowerment and value-driven leadership.
This years Symposium partners are Global Shapers Oslo and Youth For Understanding Norway. Participants are invited from a line-up of organisations based in Oslo area. We meet at our beautiful venue at Epicenter Oslo for a programme of talks, discussions, networking, and workshop sessions, similar to a conference.
Right after the event, we will depart in a bus together to our course venue in Hallingdal.
For you
As a VALE Course 2023 participant, you are automatically signed up for The Symposium as part of the course programme. You participate alongside youth leaders and partners from various other organisations at this inspiring event.
Prior to the Symposium, the Course participants meet at the same venue as for a Welcome session, see meeting point, and after the event, the VALE team ensures your safe travels to our Course venue in the mountains. There is a break of 30 minutes between the Welcome session and The Symposium – time for a quick bite, which we provide, and if you wish to change clothes.
The dress code for the event is smart casual.